Hideo Sato "Prestige"

Hideo Sato  - classical guitar
Country : Germany - Saarlouis
Year : 2025
Scale length : 65 cm
Top : Spruce
Back & side Madagascar rosewood
Fingerboard : Ebony - 52mm
Body length : 485 mm
Body width : 280/245/370 mm
Body depth 90/95 mm
Weight : 1 660 g
Action : 2,5/3,8 mm
Condition : New 
Price : On request


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Hideo Sato has been building high level classical guitars for over 10 years. He works in the tradition of his father, Kazuo Sato, who represents half a century of experience at the highest level. From an early age Hideo studied guitar with Professor Ansgar Krause while working in his father's workshop. Despite a promising career as a software researcher in Japan, he decided to devote himself entirely to guitar making in 2011. Building on his father's rich experience, he implements his own ideas. His father's reputation allows him to collaborate with world-renowned guitarists to improve the playing and sound characteristics of his guitars.


The guitar presented here is the ‘Prestige’ model, with Madagascar rosewood back and sides. The aesthetics are superb and the craftsmanship perfectly executed. The sound is round, mellow, flexible and rich in harmonics. Traditionally built, this is a powerful, well-balanced instrument with great dynamics and a large palette of colours. Its sound presence and reactivity make it easy and enjoyable to play. A great concert guitar to discover.

46 rue Ney - 69006 Lyon



+33 (0) 9 86 44 22 27

+33 (0) 6 32 23 70 21


Galerie des Luthiers is open by appointment. 

You can communicate with us by email or phone. We send guitars in France and abroad.