John Ray

John Ray  - classical guitar
Country : Spain - Granada
Year : 2023 - N°271
Scale length : 65 cm
Top : Spruce
Back & side : Indian rosewood
Fingerboard : Ebony - 52 mm
Body length : 475 mm
Body width : 275/230/360 mm
Body depth : 85/95 mm
Weight : 1 456 g
Action : 2,7/3,2 mm
Condition : Excellent
Price : 6 900 euros






Native of Edmonton, Canada, John Ray arrived in Granada in 1989 to learn lutherie. Many local luthiers gave him advice and help, among them Manuel Bellido, Antonio Marín, Rafael Moreno and above all the German luthier Rolf Eichinger, who had olso settled in Granada. John Ray studied and drew inspiration from restoring the guitars of historic Spanish luthiers such as Miguel Rodríguez, Vicente Arias, Manuel Ramírez and others. Over the years, he has built up an international reputation, and his guitars are known to guitarists, both professional and amateur, around the world.


This beautiful guitar is built with the character and qualities of the Andalusian tradition. The aesthetics and craftsmanship demonstrate the expertise acquired over the years. Soundwise, the bass are deep and the treble velvety, richly harmonic and vibrant. The timbre is woody, deep and expressive, with a lyrical, elegant musicality. An endearing instrument from one of today's great luthiers in Granada.


(read John Ray's comments on this guitar)


46 rue Ney - 69006 Lyon


+33 (0) 9 86 44 22 27

+33 (0) 6 32 23 70 21


Galerie des Luthiers is open by appointment. 

You can communicate with us by email or phone. We send guitars in France and abroad.